Evaluations, Goals and Reflection Tools, Oh My!

--Originally published at Flipping my Spanish Classroom

Evaluations are a Good Thing - Students Should Benefit from Goal Setting and Reflection as well.

Nothing makes me happier than having to do my teacher evaluation. I know pretty much every teacher feels the same way. This year has been very different for me because I was evaluated by our new principal. Not to delve into all the details, but it was so nice to have a frank and honest conversation about my performance. It really inspired me to find the way to move forward and continue to improve. There are elements of the evaluation where points were lost not because I didn't do things, but because I didn't have the artifacts to support that it is done. There are also places where I definitely need to improve - most notably in having students create goals and do reflections.

Goal setting and reflection is something that I always try to do, but the process is very time consuming and by October I always seem to let it fall away. So, now, I am searching for a solution to make the process easier and allow the students to do their portion more independently. I have written out what I want this document to look like, however, I am struggling with finding the right tool to create the form. I am hoping for something user friendly and "pretty". Here is a basic outline of what I am thinking for students to complete:

Yearly Goals

  • What will I do?
  • What do I need help with?

Unit 1 goals

  • PreAssessment results
    • Use to create Unit 1 goals
  • How will I meet?
  • What do I need help with?
  • Formative assessment 
    • Peer review
    • Student reflection
    • Teacher feedback
    • Goal adjustment
  • Unit summative 
    • Peer review
    • Student reflection
    • Teacher feedback (with rubric)
  • Goals met?
  • How to remediate (if necessary)

So, now all I need is to find the tech method to be able to make this all happen. I want students to be able to complete and me to be able to give my feedback and comments without bringing piles of paper home. I have fixed it so I have to figure this out this summer because I have also told my principal that a tool like the one I want for my students would be a great way for teachers and admin to share artifacts, to collaborate and to help make the teacher evaluation process simpler for everyone. I promised this knowing that I would make sure that I found a workable tool this summer.

I thought it would be easy once I figured out what I wanted, but alas, it is not so. The problem is I can't find the right tool - I was thinking I could create something on Google Docs, but that isn't working. I have searched for ideas online and am not finding what I want. That is why I am throwing this out to my fantastic PLN. Do you know of something I can use? Have you used a good tool in the past? Any ideas and comments would be greatly appreciated!

Image Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ef/Performance-Evaluation-Process-z.jpg

1 Comment

  • I just started using the new Google Sites in my classroom. My students created a blog via the site to log group project participation, resources, their project goals, anticipated stumbling blocks and their solutions to problems. Students also inckuddd an “About” page. My students are enjoying using their blog and they have definitely taken ownership of the content. It works similar to Google Slides. Weebly is another great site to create a blog.

    A blog site is a great way to have students log their progress and set-backs. I would love to hear your thoutgs.

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