Here’s a few ways you can Help Support the Not-for-Profit Flipped Learning Network

Thanks for helping us to continue to fulfill our mission to help educators across the world provide the best learning experience they can for their students!

Formal Sponsorship: The Flipped Learning Network is always looking for new sponsors, so if you are part of an organization that can contribute, please check out our sponsorship page and let’s talk! We have  several levels of sponsorship available, each with opportunities to advertise your products or services to site visitors and fans of our various publications.

For the every day reader and member of the larger flipped learning community, here are some ways you can help support to us: 

Visit us on Patreon and make a donation!


Purchase products or services through Amazon and help support the FLN

Just click on this link or the image below to start your Amazon shopping experience (the FLN will receive a small commission on your purchases):

Purchase your teaching resources through Amazon by clicking this link or the image below:

Sign up for any of these 30 Day Free Trials by first clicking these links:

Support our Advertisors

If you are planning to purchase Screencastify or Camtasia, please click on that product’s ad image in our right side bar, and the FLN will receive a small commission (thank you!).


Let us Help Coordinate Training or Conferences

The Flipped Learning Network will be glad to help find individual trainers who can work with you, and to help with conference promotion and more. We’re working to put together our first “FlipTech” conference, and hope to offer several of them in 2018. Reach out through our Contact Form and let’s talk.