Contributing to the FLN Site – 6 Ways to Participate and Engage With Colleagues


This post sent out by Ken but the majority of the text was prepared by Kelly Walsh. Thanks Kelly!

If you haven’t noticed yet, our FLN site is actually setup as a “connected course” format where we syndicate posts from others. You can contribute to the FLN site in various ways, I list a few here:

  1. Comment on posts.
  2. Tweet or share posts from our site to social media.
  3. Contribute to the FLN through syndication of your blog or directly authoring here (see below).
  4. Join our mailing list to keep updated on what is appearing (sign up using the form in the side bar ->).
  5. Make suggestions about what you would like us (the community) to write about.
  6. Participate at our Flipped Learning Network Facebook Group.
flickr photo by oatsy40 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

flickr photo by oatsy40 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

I Have My Own Blog, How to Syndicate?

Educators who wish to have articles or blog posts that they have written published on the Flipped Learning Network can do so in two ways. Original content can be submitted directly to the Community Administrator (use this Contact Form), or, if you are publishing posts on a blog site of your own, we can set it up so that posts you select can be syndicated to the FLN site automatically.

Here is how to configure your blog for post syndication:

If you are running a WordPress Blog

  1. Create a new category that you will use to identify which posts you want to syndicate. People have used “flippedclass”, “flippedlearning”, “fln”, and similar names for the category. When you create a new category, WordPress will ask for Category Name and a “Slug” – the slug will be used in the URL for the category on your site, and that is what we need. Don’t include any spaces or unusual characters in the slug.
  2. Assign at least one post to the new category
  3. Provide your name, email, URL, and other info on the form below
  4. We’ll need a brief Bio (send it in the form, or we can get it later)
  5. Be sure to hit Send!


    If you are running a Blogger Blog

    1. Create a new label that you will use to identify which posts you want to syndicate. People have used “flipclass”, “flippedlearning”, “fln”, and similar names for the category.
    2. Assign at least one post to the new category
    3. Complete the form above

    If you are running a blog on another platform

    Reach out through our Contact Form and we’ll work it out. You will likely need to do some version of the steps outlined above.

    Finally, we highly recommend that all writers follow the guidelines suggested in this post by Ken Bauer, which is adapted from an original (Creative Commons Licensed) post by Alan Levine.


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