Flipped Learning: What if they don’t watch the video?

--Originally published at Flipped Learning – Ed Tech Enthusiast

So you want to flip your classroom but there’s one nagging question holding you back.

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This is the number one question I get about flipped learning. Generally I answer this question with some questions of my own.

1. What if a student is away from school?

So how do we help this student catch up on the class they missed? If we’re worried about students not watching videos, shouldn’t we also be worried about them being sick? And If we are worried about them being sick, wouldn’t it be handy if your direct instruction was on video?

2. What do you currently do if your students don’t do homework?
If our students aren’t doing their homework, are they missing out on valuable learning? In a traditional classroom, if we give homework it’s so that students can apply what they’ve learned. What are we currently doing to encourage students to do their homework?

3. What is the most important part of your lesson?
Is it the time when you’re talking out the front of the classroom? Or is it while your students are actively engaged in doing something? Could a student who walked into your class late (after you’ve done some direct instruction) still engage with learning? How?

4. What other ways could a student learn besides watching your videos?
Is it possible that a student who never, ever watched any of your direct instruction could succeed in your class? How? Perhaps they could talk to their friends and their friends could teach them?  Wouldn’t having the opportunity to teach others benefit those who watched the video? After all, you haven’t really learned something until you’ve taught it yourself.

5. If you could choose to have only two parts of the pyramid below in your practise, which two would you choose?
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Traditionally, if a student missed their homework, they are missing out on the “You Do”. In a flipped classroom, they miss out on the “I Do”. Which would you prefer they miss out on?

6. How long is your video going to be?
I’m hoping that your video will be short. Is it short enough to watch with headphones on at the start of class? If you’re not making the video short, here, let me convince you.

7. Do your students know the benefits of flipped learning?

Have you spoken to your class about flipped learning? Have you talked about the benefits? Have you asked them how they would like class to look? Did you listen?

8. Have you tried flipping your classroom yet?
This is a different kind of homework, maybe your students might surprise you! It’s short, it’s engaging and any student can handle watching a video. Is it possible they might like this homework better than the old style?

So there’s 8 good questions to ask when you’re asked “What if they don’t watch the video?!?!”

Happy flipping.

Edit: Still not convinced? Maybe homework isn’t for you. You can still flip! Learn how here: The In-Flip: No Homework, No Problem

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