The myth of the non-digital classroom
As much as we like to thing nothing in education changes and that the status quo is represented by the “traditional classroom”, I would argue that very very few full non-digital/traditional classroom exist in the wild. We might think that teacher we know, or even ourselves run a traditional non-digital classroom, but every classroom in the US at least has at least one computer. Teaching has been digitized to at least some degree for decades. The question becomes have we allowed it to benefit students.
The Tech in the Classroom model is the true status quo.
When we say traditional now we most often mean a classroom that uses technology regularly for some aspects and sparingly in other aspects. The chromebooks on carts, the online practice, the lab days, as so much more that are part of nearly every classroom means that technology has been living among us in schools for decades. The question becomes how to we make best use of technology for the benefit of students.
Join us as we look to this new series in an unprecedented time in education.
The Traditional Classroom & Tech in the Classroom models:
Click HERE or on the video below
While we are at it, join us July 12th-16th as the Flipped Learning Network offers a free online virtual conference that builds on the ideas in this series and so many more.
The Flipped Learning Network, a non-profit community of educators focused on sharing and supporting ideas and good practice in flipped, blended, and flexible learning environments that reflect the four pillars that help define F-L-I-P.
We are also a community built on collaboration and sharing. If you would like to share your thoughts, ideas, blogs, vlogs, tweets, toks, papers, questions, or comments with us we would love to hear from you via the comment discussions in our posts, through our contact page (, or via Twitter (we are @FlippedLearning) or Facebook.