Projects, Pathways, PhDs, and Pokémon

Originally posted at

Greetings friends, if you are not a friend, greetings anyway, and welcome! What do Projects, Pathways, PhDs, and Pokémon have in common? Not much, but somehow, they all made their way into this post about my transition back toward STEM education.

Since you are getting this, I have either met you at a conference, or you have worked with me in some capacity through over the past few years. Well, I’m happy to announce some new and exciting projects I am working on, and I hope you will be a part of this journey.

First, my main project in the near future will be the completion of my Ph.D. in Global STEM Education through Texas Tech. (Guns Up!) As I proceed through this program I will be looking for research partners at the classroom level, and at the institutional level who are interested in expanding the scope of their instruction to include global collaboration. If you fit this profile, I encourage you to stay tuned for ways you can be involved in these research projects.

Second, along with my Ph.D., I plan to expand the scope of my work from just focusing on Flipped Learning, to include STEM education focusing specifically on ways STEM education can impact humanity for the better. If you are interested in wrestling through the ethical side of STEM education with me, I encourage you to stay tuned in the coming months for thoughts and questions along these lines.

Third, I want to continue the conversations I have been a part of in the EdTech scene. EdTech is a wild place, and it is booming with new apps and products. EdTech companies seem to pop up and disappear as fast as rare Pokémon in a city park (Yeah, I went there…I play Pokemon GO…). Join the conversation about new, exciting, and (hopefully) lasting EdTech solutions that can help impact teaching and learning.

Finally, everyone else. If you don’t fit neatly into one of the previous categories, that is OK! I value feedback and collaboration from all my educator colleagues. Although I am focusing on STEM and EdTEch, many of the conversations taking place in those spaces are about general pedagogical issues, ideas, themes, and theories. I hope you choose to bring your voice to the table, even if you don’t typically fall into the STEM and EdTech world.

Here’s the shameless self-promotion of today’s newsletter. Can I humbly ask that you take the next 30 seconds to follow me on FaceBook and Twitter, sign up for my newsletter at, and to share this newsletter with anyone you think may be interested? That’s it. No more self-serving plugs.

I look forward to sharing this exciting new chapter of my career with you.

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