Recorded Webinar: Getting Off to a Good Start With Flipped Learning

Tips, Tools, and Techniques for New and Experienced Flippers 

On Friday, August 3rd, the Flipped Learning Network kicked off a new series of bi-monthly webinars hosted by our friends at WizIQ (webinars will be held first Friday of every other month at Noon EST). Our first webinar was delivered by the inimitable Kate Baker and focused on getting off to a good start with flipped learning. This informative session also included tips that most experienced flippers can benefit from as well. 

Here is the link to the recorded webinar:

Kate shared her slides, which are rich with resource links, here: 

A Quick, Tasty Sampler

To offer a little taste of the great content in this webinar, here are a few slides. If this whets your whistle, click over and check out the full session or the slides (links above)!

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