--Originally published at Emerging Education Technologies » FLN Hub Syndicated Posts
Save the Date: FlipCon 2016, July 19-21, 2016
On July 19-21, 2016 in Allen, Texas, the Flipped Learning Network will host the 9th Annual Flipped Learning Conference (FlipCon 2016). FlipCon is a great opportunity for educators in K -12 and higher education to learn about and refine their Flipped Learning practices.
The conference will include sessions from practitioners to researchers exploring a wide range of topics including: flipping learning practices in elementary, middle, high school, and higher education; helping to prepare all learners for a flipped class; system-wide flipped strategies; and many more sessions for new, emerging, and expert “flippers.”
Definition of Flipped Learning:
Flipped Learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space. The resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter.
– 3 Great Reasons to Join Us! –
1. FlipCon will be held at Allen High School
Allen High School is a leader in Flipped Learning. From central administration to the classroom, Flipped Learning is embraced and supported. According to the Allen High School Flipped Classroom FAQ webpage, “Teachers found students were struggling with the homework in some courses. After looking into this issue, it was determined that students often did not understand how to complete their assignments. Teachers needed additional class time in order to provide students the help they needed to be successful on their assignments. The flipped classroom structure allows more time for interaction and intervention for students, as well as hands-on engaging activities to support students in higher level thinking and learning.”
2. FlipCon is not just a conference, it is cultural experience
The FlipCon community is an international learning community. The not-for-profit Flipped Learning Network™ is the source of information for emerging and established educators at all grade levels and subjects who are employing the flip in a single lesson, an individual class, an entire department, or the whole school. The Flipped Learning professional learning community is for sharing best practices. In addition, the Flipped Learning community is active on social media via Twitter @flippedlearning (we’ll be refreshing Facebook presence in the coming week as well … more on that when it’s ready to roll!).
3. Hear from Tyler Dewitt, board members, and leaders in the Flipped Learning community
FlipCon will boast a wide range of expert presenters from regions across North America including keynote speaker Tyler Dewitt. Tyler is currently a Ph.D. student in Microbiology at MIT, where he studies how bacteria transfer pieces of DNA to their neighbors. At MIT, he teaches science to high school students from underserved backgrounds through the MITES summer program. He is also a student coordinator for the new MIT+K12 video outreach project. Tyler is also the author of an ever-expanding online video textbook for high school Chemistry. Tyler has served as a fellow with the Educational Foundation of America’s Teaching for Experience program, and at MIT he is a National Science Foundation Fellow and a Graduate Resident Tutor.
So come check out the agenda and register today!