Flipped Learning Network Modifies Structure to Create Community-Driven Hub

July 12, 2016 Press Release

Organization hosts final national conference as it transitions to a facilitated network with continual professional development opportunities

The Flipped Learning Network (FLN) announces a transition in its organization structure to a community-driven hub dedicated to sharing best practices. As it grows, FLN will utilize the body of knowledge within the organization by offering a facilitated network centered on professional development.

“Since its inception four years ago, FLN has been fueled by passionate educators,” said Kelly Walsh, FLN Community Administrator. “Flipped instruction is a grassroots movement with incredible momentum. With its new structure, the network will be able to better serve its community of practitioners.”

The FLN was established in 2012 to connect educators, provide best practices and share the benefits of Flipped Learning through events and training.

As part of its transition into a facilitated network, FLN will move from annual events to continual growth opportunities, occurring throughout the year. This year will mark the last annual Flipped Learning Conference (FlipCon). FlipCon will be held July 19-21 in Allen, Texas. Dr. Tyler DeWitt is the keynote speaker. For more information about the conference and to register, click here.

About Flipped Learning Network

Flipped Learning Network (FLN) is a community of Flipped Learning practitioners and advocates. The mission of the FLN is to connect flipped educators and evangelize best practices for teachers and students. The organization raises awareness of flipped teaching and learning professional development opportunities, and the growing body of flipped learning research. Equipped with these tools, practitioners will have the knowledge, skills and resources to successfully implement Flipped Learning.

Media Contact:

The Flipped Learning Network
Kelly Walsh, Community Administrator
Contact Page: flippedlearning.org/contact


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