Episode 029 – Jess Mitchell

--Originally published at Ask the Flipped Learning Network

Show Notes

In this episode Jess Mitchell joins Ken for a discussion of her work. We talk about finding one’s voice, accessibility, assessment, critical pedagogy, overlooking conversations in the rear view mirror, scorpions, “crap in streams” and so much more. I was fortunate to meet Jess at OpenEd18 in Niagara Falls and was so happy to have her join us for this episode. The work of Jess really does touch deeply and say much better what I feel in my pedagogy.

If you would like to support The Flipped Learning Network which is a not-for-profit, we have added a full selection below.

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About our Guest

Jess Mitchell is Senior Manager, Research + Design at the Inclusive Design Research Centre ( http://idrc.ocad.ca ). She manages large-scale international projects and initiatives focusing on fostering innovation within diverse communities while achieving outcomes that benefit everyone.

Jess is a community leader who works in a highly collaborative, open, and iterative manner borrowing methods from complex project management, agile, participatory, and inclusive design.

Jess has worked on complex distributed projects, bridging gaps among diverse stakeholders and fostering innovation. Those projects have ranged from building the Ghana Internet Exchange Point in West Africa, teaching a “startup” course for 4th year students at Duke University, facilitating workshops with government, industry, and non-profit partners, and working to make the Internet accessible and inclusive to all.
Connect with Jess via Twitter at @jesshmitchell and read her blog on Medium at https://medium.com/@jesshmitchell

Links from the Show


This podcast started with the idea of getting questions from the community to ask our guests. I believe that lasted for one episode and I continued to put the call for questions in the show notes. This is the first episode that I am going to bring in standard two questions for my guests. I may swap that up depending on how it works with each guest but I wanted to put in a closing ritual to the podcast.

These are the questions. For the first question, I am without shame copying an idea from Christian Friedrich who sent a question for Bonni Stachowiak on an episode of “Gettin’ Air” which is a great podcast by my friend Terry Greene. You can find that episode here.

The questions are:

  • Name a favourite teacher. Jess turned the tables on this session and asked me mine. Listen to find that answer.
  • Name the first album (or 8-track, CD, reel-to-reel or song) that you purchased and comment how that is at all related to your work now as an educator.

Support the Show and the FLN

The Flipped Learning Network is a not-for-profit organization and runs on a small budget. Our costs are indeed low (web hosting, some legal and financial fees and paying for the support of a wonder community manager Kelly Walsh) and we are run by volunteers. If you would like to support the FLN, please contact us via any of the following options:

  • We have a Patreon Page where you can become a monthly patron for as low as USD$1 per month.
  • If you would like to make a one time donation, that is always an option via cheque sent to our offices or a donation via PayPal. Just ask us.
  • If you make purchases at Amazon, you can follow our affiliate link to make any purchases on their site. This costs you nothing but a small percentage of your purchase goes to us at the Flipped Learning Network. This is for the USA based store but it may be possible to arrange setting up “shop” on other Amazon worldwide sites.
  • If you are interested in the “Flipped Learning Certified Level-1” (in English or Spanish) certifications from the Flipped Learning Global Initiative, please follow our affiliate link to sign up.
  • See our “How to Support the FLN” page for more details including a link to our Sponsorship page where you can be listed as a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum sponsor.
  • Our main contact page on the website.


I’ve been personally negligent in not pursuing an option to improve accessibility with transcripts of the show. I see the work that Bonni Stachowiak has done with her “Teaching in Higher Ed” podcast as well as the work of Deepak Shenoy on his podcast “Open Education Rising”. The trick here is cost and I don’t know the solution just yet. Producing about 90 minutes of podcasts per month would require about USD$100 per month. We would love to have a sponsor for that or perhaps link that as one of our goals on our Patreon Page.

Podcasters and Guests

We now have a stable crew of two podcast hosts with Matthew Moore and myself Ken Bauer alternating episodes. Lately Matthew has been busy with his own podcast “The Teachers Lounge” which is also hosted here at the Flipped Learning Network. You should check out that podcast as well. I hope to personally keep a bi-weekly schedule going forward.

If you would like to join us as a guest on the podcast or would like to suggest someone to be a guest, please contact either Matthew or myself via Twitter.

I would also like to remind everyone that anyone contributing to the community that is the Flipped Learning Network actually *is* part of the Flipped Learning Network. We are a community and grow together by pooling our resources. See how you can contribute to this community through contributing blog posts, joining us on this podcast as well as participating in our Slack community.

Ken’s Take

I truly love the way Jess can phrase (in written and spoken words) much of what many of us feel and either do not or cannot express out load. When I read the quote from “Why This? Why Now?” I purposely left in the repeat of the word “always” as I was sure that was with purpose and Jess addresses that in our discussion.

“And so, I created more slide decks and I started to share them on Slideshare and I kept doing it. It felt risky, but not cheek-burning risky. I still (always) feel unsure and vulnerable always, but I try to heed the warning of those little voices and still push ahead.” – from “Why This? Why Now?”



Music Credit

The music (titled Aloft) clip at the start and end of the podcast is copyright by Kelly Walsh and used with permission.

Podcast Logo Credit

The image of a microphone used in the logo for our podcast is courtesy of Eric Harvey.

Featured Image Credit

Photo of Jess Mitchell, all rights reserved by Jess.

Photo of Jess Mitchell, all rights reserved by Jess.

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