Are student outcomes higher when taught through the Flipped Learning model compared to the traditional teacher-led method of delivery?
Teacher Alex More conducted and wrote this experiment focused on flipped learning in Physical Education under the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) curriculum. Here we have published the paper’s Abstract and Reflections. The full paper can be accessed in PDF format here.
The framework for this experimental research project was established as a small-scale study to investigate whether students who were taught GCSE PE through the flipped learning model performed better in their theory examination than students who were taught in the traditional teacher-led method. Experimental research in the field of flipped learning was conducted which could make a significant difference to understanding and practice in GCSE PE both locally and nationally. There is a plethora of research that investigates flipped learning as a pedagogical strategy to improve learning but a paucity of action research conducted within schools that examine its efficiency directly.
This experimental research enquiry attempted to solve a real practitioner-identified problem. Are student outcomes higher when the teacher practises flipped learning in comparison to traditional methods of teaching?
In this enquiry, the intervention group did make more progress over time (Progress-8 measure). The flipped learning group did outperform the traditionally taught group which suggests there are scope and justification to explore flipped learning in more depth, potentially at dissertation level. Valuable insights into the realities of experimental based practitioner research provided an incentive to explore flipped learning, the self-determination theory and the between-participant pre and post-test design model further.
Experimental research design allows for reflective practice and professional development which could inform best practice. In this case, flipped learning has proved worthy of exploration and further research, particularly when linked to learner progress and motivation in GCSE PE.