Looking back at FlipTech 2021
The Flipped Learning Network hosted a fully-online conference in which presenters from around the world submitted short presentations to be viewed prior to the live discussion portion of the event. The basic idea was to find a way to share “Looking Forward” we address the many student needs resulting from the pandemic’s impact on education. This series takes a look back at the presentations and some of the conversations from #FlipTech2021. To get the most out of this conference session watch both the “Pre-Work” and the “Conference Recording.”
Session C2: Maximizing the Podcast: Mutually Adaptive Learning & SOFLA®
Presenter: Yasmeen Coaxum
Moderator: Lisa Leaheey
Description: This is a great session in which Yasmeen Coaxum takes the powerful tools of SOFLA® and adds the power of podcasting. Use podcasts in the online learning environment with 10 steps for listening to and producing podcasts that are aligned with the Mutually Adaptive Learning Paradigm and SOFLA®. Listen to student episodes and learn to podcast!
Link to Prework: Video
Link to Recording of the live discussion:
The Flipped Learning Network, a non-profit community of educators focused on sharing and supporting ideas and good practice in flipped, blended, and flexible learning environments that reflect the four pillars that help define F-L-I-P.
We are also a community built on collaboration and sharing. If you would like to share your thoughts, ideas, blogs, vlogs, tweets, toks, papers, questions, or comments with us we would love to hear from you via the comment discussions in our posts, through our contact page (https://flippedlearning.org/contact), or via Twitter (we are @FlippedLearning) or Facebook.