--Originally published at FlippingPhysicswithMrGraves
In my #flipclass chat this week, we were asked to blog about how we experience community outside our classroom. This has been a large area of growth and discovery for me this last few months. I saw this image earlier and thought it best describes me. One of the quick areas of community is chat sessions like #flipchat.
I really enjoy chatting with the like minded individuals on there and getting great new ideas. I really believe any professional, no matter what field, would benefit by finding a twitter group and communicating with them.
I have also learned to stop looking at the number of followers I have one twitter because I post things on twitter I think people would be interested in, and that I am interested in, so if they choose not to follow me I hope they follow someone who sparks there interests and curiosities.
Another community area I have recently learned about is google communities. I know I am late to the party on this one, but I really have found this to be a great way to share information and communicate with people that share the same interests as I do.
While electronic communities are great to globally expand communities, I love meeting groups in person and talking to them. It is great meeting people in your "virtual community" in person so you can have a good conversation in more than 140 characters.
Personally this question is really hard for me because although I love to talk to people I really do not create a community around me very well and really struggle with that. I feel like I hop between groups, but have not found "the group" for me.
Maybe that's a good thing. I'll keep reflecting on that.
Thanks for reading! If you would like to be part of my "tribe" follow me on twitter @Ldg32, I would appreciate it and look forward to chatting with you!
[Of course, we're delighted to have you and all our other writers, readers, followers, and contributors of all forms here as part of our tribe on the FLN Lee! We're all in this together! - KW]