Leaning hard into the digital classroom unlocks its benefits?
Flipped learning was once the domain of early adopters and techies that wanted to stretch their classroom and play with all the toys. Since the popularization of flipped and blended beginning in the early 2000’s the smart phone has become ubiquitous. While not eliminated, the digital divide has narrowed. Most importantly, those educators and edtech entrepreneurs that blazed the trail early have refined products and methods that make even strongly blended classrooms user friendly. In this episode we look at how being willing as a teacher to really lean out in the the digital world opens a host of learning opportunities and resources that were simply not available only a short time ago.
Join us as we look to this new series in an unprecedented time in education.
The Strong Blend Model
Click HERE or on the video below
Defining 5 Types
Click HERE or on the video below
While we are at it, join us July 12th-16th as the Flipped Learning Network offers a free online virtual conference that builds on the ideas in this series and so many more. https://bit.ly/FLIPTECH2020ATTENDEE
The Flipped Learning Network, a non-profit community of educators focused on sharing and supporting ideas and good practice in flipped, blended, and flexible learning environments that reflect the four pillars that help define F-L-I-P.
We are also a community built on collaboration and sharing. If you would like to share your thoughts, ideas, blogs, vlogs, tweets, toks, papers, questions, or comments with us we would love to hear from you via the comment discussions in our posts, through our contact page (https://flippedlearning.org/contact), or via Twitter (we are @FlippedLearning) or Facebook.